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You have THREE EASY CHOICES for booking your session:



Easy Session Application Form (CLICK HERE FOR THE FORM)  Are you on the newer side of things, and are unsure of what to say? You might find this form very helpful for you to communicate your interests. I also highly recommend you the GUIDE FOR SEEING A DOMINATRIX. 



Email with the following questions answered. Just copy/paste the questions into the email so you don't forget to answer any. I PROMISE YOU that I need all of this info to tell you if I am available to see you or not. It should only take you 5 to 10 minutes depending on how much you wish to write.



1. Which City are you seeking the appointment to take place in? I travel across the country and have ads to take sessions in many cities so I need to know which location you are interested in. Also, have you checked my tour dates page to make sure I am in your desired city?

2. What are your interests? Please elaborate and be as detailed as you can. What are you interested in asking me to do to you? 

3. What are your limits? (activities which are an absolute NO-NO such as no leaving with lasting marks, you do not wish to bleed, you dislike verbal degradation, etc). 

4. Days and times of availability? (for example "weekdays between 7pm and 9pm" or "I am only in town on May 3rd and free at 2pm).

5. Desired length of session? (Multiple hour sessions are sometimes discounted! I cannot let you know if I am free at 4pm if you seek a 3 hour session and I am booked with someone else at 6pm. This helps me tell you if I can accommodate your timeframe. If rates are too high for your multi-hour session, you can always decide on a shorter one). 

6. Are you brand-new or have you seen a dominatrix before? Or several? Who were they? (Please provide the name and website of the Mistress or two who you have seen prior. Some session topics require me checking references, some do not).  




You can also Call or text!     TEXT/CALL ME

Call or text me on Sextpanther or call me on Niteflirt to hear my voice or text-message communicate, as little or as much as you need to about an appointment you wish to have. 




Amazon Wishlist

twitter: @FLDominatrix

fetlife: michellelacy

MaxFisch: MissMichelle

My phone number is given to people I accept a session with who have deposited for their appointment for confirmation purposes or questions


However if you would like to discuss a potential appointment in depth before you deposit or even before you book, you can easily right here: 





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