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Exciting Experiences for 2025

Michelle Lacy

If anyone is going to go all-out in femdom, 2025 should be your year, with exciting things in the works. If you are in a position where you might need to budget, I'd advise to start.


-Miss Isobel Devi is visiting me Jan 30th, 2025 and will be with me for the weekend. We will be having a mini Bound event (limited length compared to the usual event) Saturday Feb 1st and the ability to be our sub later that evening at the Submission party (on our leash and play with us). Also offering sessions Thurs 30th, Friday the 31st and Sunday Feb 2nd.

-While I regularly partake in appointments that are a few hours long, some of you are aware that I also offer multiple day servitude sessions. Well, I have been extending those to a week with wonderful success. I even have a 2 week experience already booked for 2025. If you would like to know more about these things, the different settings and what this entails, let me know. If you really are service-oriented, ready for something extreme, or just want some company in-between playtime, this is for you. The type of extended experience, is endless. If you've had intense subspace after a lengthy scene, imagine what you'd experience after a week.

-Service Lessons. While this will be a long video series or my notes will end up just being a long book, you can book multiple hour appointments or stays where you learn how to serve another person by learning any of the things you feel you have trouble with, from service tips to cooking, laundry, latex/leather care, organization tips to wow a Mistress and much more. Not everyone has these skills, and I will teach them to you, so you can wow the person you wish to serve. This appointment will be considered a type of coaching and will a smaller fee than my appointment booking fee.

-The box. I've been working on the design of a bondage isolation box, and it's almost ready for build. The box will keep you contained with options to keep you extra secure or more "wiggly." There will be sufficient airflow to allow proper breathing and a genius temperature regulation situation, keeping the bound specimen from overheating. Bluetooth speakers allow me to pump the box full of audio reprogramming, teasing or taunting words. There's even a pluggable straw hole for fluid intake. Spring 2025 (or when it's announced).


January 30th: 10am to 3pm Mini BOUND event with Isobel Devi. Bound is described on this website under EVENTS

March (dates tbd): Overnight slavery and sadist dinner at the Siren House. Serve a small group of Mistresses and stay overnight caged. The following day is a fun "sadist dinner" with an art history theme.

April 11th-13th: Pink Weekend, a weekend for feminized subs (formerly named "Sissy Weekend"). All sissies, CDs, and trans women are welcome to attend this service-oriented weekend. Optional additional nights of service is the 14th, or arriving the 10th to help set-up.

May (first half of May, dates TBA): Garden of the Goddess Garden Party. A femdom party at the Siren House with a Greco-Roman theme. Mingle with real Goddesses. Performances and play. Options to stay on-site while they last.

Oct (Dates TBA) The Order of Indomitus 2025 10th Anniversary event

Queen's Realm Femdom Party. Mingle with femdom Queens in a fun party with peformances and play.


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