A year ago I had written a blog post which confused many who read it, causing them to assume that I had retired when I absolutely had not (insert face-palm emoji here, like the young people would). Despite the post being crystal clear and not confusing to all of my friends and subs who I had read and double check the post for it's clarity, I chose to delete the post. People who had read the blog post wrong did not even write to me to double check, say goodbye, or see that I had still been actively and very obviously according to my social media, taking appointments. They just stopped booking and noticed their mistake 6 months to a year later as I received from some people, an email that spanned many pages of their sadness, grief, relief and feeling utterly idiotic for misunderstanding a pretty clear blog post.
The topic was regarding "semi-retirement" a term dominatrices use when they describe a stage in their career where they take a lot less appointments, usually with wonderful regulars only and little or no new people, limit their schedules/availability, and often stop advertising. Pro Dommes choose to semi-retire usually when they are having a life change and want to slow things down. Some stay in a semi-retired state for a long time and eventually cut things back more and more until they fully retire. Others go in and out from regular Domme work to semi-retirement and back again, flip flopping as their plans change or they just miss the work so much. I knew a few Pro Mistresses who stayed in a semi-retirement mode for many long years, much happier this way. An example of this, would be a dominatrix who regularly takes appointments 4-6 days per week, who now only wishes to take appointments on 1 day per week, with only her regulars, and does not renew her ads online, and stays working this way for the next 3 years until she stops entirely, or she stays in this mode for a large number of years, perhaps spanning an entire additional decade or so.
I wrote what I had felt was a very important piece, hoping it would resonate with some people, prepare them for a lower availability of mine but bigger adventures that I had planned, and that many would see and feel my vision and be supportive, especially knowing that as a regular of mine, as it was CLEARLY STATED in the post, that I would still be seeing regulars of mine. YIKES.
Perhaps they read it too swiftly, while too tired, and their fears of my leaving this industry overtook their minds. I still want to speak about my semi-retirement and what this means as I feel this is so important, exciting and overall good for my subs and followers to know, but I will do so in a new post, without the word "retirement" in it whatsoever. Instead, I hope you enjoy my next post called "Waiting for the Whole Wide World" and read it twice, three times even, to make sure you understand how NOT retired I am, but how important changes are coming, and I hope you will join and support me in this scary but new endeavor.